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About Event
Milestone Pageants, invites you to celebrate both fashion and beauty from the picturesque and beautiful city of Kathmandu, Nepal. This global conclave shall also have a line-up of few inspirational speakers followed by the glitzy Pageant Show and Awards Ceremony.

Be there and feel like being on top of the World!
Past Events
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Terms & Conditions
  1. Please carry a valid ID proof along with you.
  2. Internet handling fee per ticket may be levied. Please check your total amount before payment.
  3. Seating is on first come first serve basis.
  4. Security procedures, including frisking remain the right of the organizers.
  5. No dangerous or potentially hazardous objects including but not limited to weapons, knives, guns, fireworks, helmets, lazer devices, bottles, musical instruments will be allowed in the venue and may be ejected with or without the owner from the venue.
  6. People in an inebriated state shall not be allowed entry.
  7. Venue rules apply.
  8. Ticketgenie is the official service provider of this event and not the organizer.