Event Brief
A musical evening of songs from retro kannada movies, penned by the famous lyricist chi. Udayashankar, performed by promising artists.
Artist Info :
Dr. B. R. Suhas
B. R. Deepika
Mohan Srigiripura
Shailaja V
Mohan Krishna
Chinmayi Rao
B G Ramesh
Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore, India
Terms & Conditions
- Masks for people above 60 Years.
- Please carry a valid ID proof along with you.
- Internet handling fee per ticket may be levied. Please check your total amount before payment.
- Rights of admission reserved.
- Tickets once booked cannot be cancelled and NO REFUND will be applicable.
- Vouchers/Tickets/ Passes/Packages once sold will not be canceled, refunded or transferred under any circumstances.
- Each ticket admits one person only. A duplicate ticket will not be issued for lost or stolen tickets.
- Venue rules apply in addition to the above and supersede the above in case of a conflict. Entire Zone is CCTV Protected.
- Security procedures including frisking remain the right of the management.
- Venue / Organiser rules apply.
- Ticketgenie is the official service provider of this event and not the organizer.
- Free Seating.